Monday 4 January 2016

What is Edit command

                        FILE MENU (ALT+F)

when we press Al+f then open file menu with suitable sub option is called file menu.
ex- New, open, save, close, save as, print, exit.
New      -                 Ctrl+n
open     -                 Ctrl+o
Save     -                 Ctrl+s
Save as -                 Ctrl+a
Close    -                 Ctrl+f+c
Print    -                 Ctrl+p
Exit      -                 Ctrl+f+x

1.New - By using this option we can create a new page in edit program and you are ready to write in a new page.

2.Open - This option is used for open any program saved program from your computer or start working on it .  

3.Save - With the help of this option we can save any file or document in our desktop of edit program.

4.Save as - By using this option we can change the tittle name of any saving file.

5.Close - This is used for option we can close the active file in our edit program.

6.Print - By using this option we can print the active document of edit file or program.

7.Exit - This key is used for closing any document or edit file program.


When we press (alt+e) then the edit menu will open with suitable sub option.

1.Cut - with the help of this option we can cut the selection  word or matter.
2.Copy - By using this option we can copy any selected word or matter.

3.Paste - it is used for option  we an paste the cut copy matter in our edit program.

4.Clear- this option is used for clear the selected matter in our edit program.


If you press  Alt+s  then the search menu open with suitable sub option.
ex-find,repeat last find, replace.

1.Find- it is used for option we can find the selected word and latter in our edit program.
2.Repeat last find :- this option we can find the selected word and latter in our edit program.

3.Replace :- By using this option we can replace the selected word and latter in our edit program.


If you press Alt+v then view menu will open with suitable sub option.

1.Split window :-It is used for the option we can devied our edit screen into two parts.

2.Size window :- By using this option we can set the size of the window in split window.

3.Close window :- with the help of this window we can close the split window.


when we pres Alt+o then the option menu will open with suitable sub  option.

1.Setting :- by using this option we can arrange the written text by tab key button.

2.Color :- It is used for the option we can set the color of back ground , foreground , menu bar , menu border etc.


When we press Alt+h then the help menu will open with suitable sub option.

1.Command :- By using this option we can take help of any command like the page up, page down, home.

2.About :- This option is used to we can  show the  advertisement of our edit program.

NOTE :-You can used these option after selected with shift .

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